Wednesday, February 15, 2012

Adult Education

Education (education) is not equal to the school (schooling). Schools are part of education or learning activities. Schools are generally geared for children's education (kindergarten, primary school) and youth (Junior - Senior High School) College. Adult education is generally carried out in non-formal education, which can be done in the workplace, the community in the form of thin or coaching.
Adult education can be done independently (self education) are not dependent on the educational institutions that make up the educational program.
2-4 years is the golden era (golden age) the era of rapid changes in intelligence (IQ) of children this age can quickly develop IQ, to 80% in the USA 4 years.
Lifelong Education, learning to do from birth to death.
Definition (Limits Definition)

Adult Education (Adult Education)
A. → Education can be done by learning (Learning), but also often considered to be the same.
All educational activities involving the study but not all learning activities melbatkan education.
Education has always contained elements of activities designed (designed) and deliberate, with the aim of dtetapkan. While learning to walk or do incidentally, are not designed, and in a very short time.
In adult education can be done by self education where educational activities can be learned by self-directed.
On self-education that occurs in adults, objectives, materials, methods, self-directed learning; adults can already be responsible for the education or learning activities.
2. Adults (Adult) there are limits understanding of adults who are often confused.

Adults can be seen in terms of biological, psychological, and social.
Biologically mature refers to the biological development, generally associated with readiness for reproduction. The problem, one is often been considered to be biologically an adult, but not necessarily psychologically mature. Generally associated with adult psychological mental ability to take responsibility for the decision / choice.
Adult Social generally associated with the ability to perform social roles (social) as parents of children in work organization leaders and others.

Adult Education is a process whereby people who already have a social role as an adult learning activities in a systematic and sustained in order to make changes in knowledge, attitudes, values, and skills.
Some of the functions / duties performed in the POD (Adult Education)
The tasks to be done in the organization of POD are:

1. Duties as a teacher (facilitator)
2. Task as a developer program (Program Developer)
3. Duties as manager (administration)
4. Duties as a counselor (Conselor)

Purpose of POD

Adult Education generally has an adult target group of diverse, well age, level of education.Social environment, learning and others. Functional literacy education for example (Functional Literacy program) belajrnya adult citizens who enter illiterate and often consist msikin economy. Education was coaching in the industry / perkantiran residents are learning that the workers and the nature of education is generally high enough dn tingat economic conditions quite well.

POD goal thus varied according to the problem, and the target. Generally, there are several objectives:
            1.POD goal for developers of intelligence / intellectual people learn,
            2.POD for the actualization of the goals indvidu participants learn
            3.POD for the purpose of personal and social development of citizens to learn
            4.POD for the purpose of social change (public)
    5.POD for the purpose of human resource development in work organizations    (organizational effectiveness)

POD program

The program is widely defined an activity bekajar (curriculum) that drancang by an agency (institution) which digunaan for students to follow learning activities in accordance with the purpose of education (learning) set.
For example, tailoring special programs for students after completion of the program to enter the workforce in the industry convection or establish their own businesses such as boutiques or suturing.

Institutions or agencies that make up the POD program include:
1. Institute courses
2. Education & Training Centre (training centers, labor; BLK)
3. Learning centers (SKB)
4. BPKB (Learning Activities Development Agency)
5. BPPNFI (Non-Formal Education Development Agency - Informal)
6. Center for Community Learning Activities (PKBM)
7. Higher Education (Educational Extension Program)
 8. Education & Training in the Corporate / Office.

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